Tan Ah Khim (Khim)

KB PA, MA. Guidance and Counselling; Bac. of Technology (Hons) (Food)

“Every person has sufficient resources to grow and face the difficulties they encounter in life.” This is the guide that Khim uses in her counselling practice. According to her, counselling is like a treasure hunt, where the client discovers the treasure within themselves to deal with the difficulties they encounter in life. Counselling is a process where the counsellor accompanies the client in their search for their strengths and resources.

Khim holds a Bachelor’s degree (Hons) in Food Technology from University of Science Malaysia (USM) and a Master's degree in Guidance and Counselling from Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM). She has been working in the education sector for more than 10 years, assisting students from secondary to tertiary institutions. During her service, Khim has organised and conducted various workshops for her students.