Supporting all students
Sunway University and Sunway College provide a range of support services to students with special needs. The Student Welfare Unit coordinates internal and external resources to ensure that students enjoy a conducive learning environment. You can speak to our officer to discuss how we can best support you, including providing assistive equipment, extra time for examinations, and other care services.
Common disabilities and medical conditions include:
Blind or a serious visual impairment uncorrected by glasses
Speech and language impairment
Services for students with disabilities
We have wheelchairs and crutches for students to use. Ramps are made available on the main walkways. Lifts are installed on all floors, and car parking spaces for individuals with a disability are available at the main entrances.

The University/College reserves ample parking space for people with disability which can also be used by their caregivers if they choose to bring any. Staff and student who have disabilities are able to park at designated parking lots that are close to the campus entrance.
Aside from providing a conducive library infrastructure, the University/College also provides extension of loan periods on selected library materials and resources.
Technologies are helping blind people improve their learning and their quality of life. Various types of assistive equipment and braille materials are available at Sunway University/College for staff and student who are visually impaired.
Besides physical infrastructure, the University/College also eases the education journey for student with disabilities by:
- Providing extra time for examination
- Allowing use of word processor during examination
- Using of larger font size on exam papers.
- Making available a reader to read questions during the examination
- Providing text-to-speech devices
- And more
The University/College offers pastoral care services to aid students in their emotional, psychological and well-being and assist them in:
- Making the transition to the University/College.
- Liaising with the school or department about any impact that student’s condition has on the study element of the course
- Giving recommendations and referrals of a student for adjustments to examinations and assessments
- Offering information, advice, guidance, and practical support in areas of disabilities to students, parents, schools, and other relevant stakeholders
The washrooms are specially designed to better accommodate people with physical disabilities or with reduced mobility. For example, the grab bar near the toilet bowl, make it easier for people with reduced mobility to hang on and subsequently stand up.
It would be helpful that students come forward and provide information about any disability or health condition at the application stage so that the University/College could ensure everything is in place and that the student will have the best and the most conducive environment to focus on their studies and have a quality campus lifestyle.